Mahatma Ghandi once said, “Be the change you want to see in the world”. Sound so cliché but it is indeed so true. We might want something to change, we might want to change the world, but every change we wanted to experience should always start with ourselves.
In this very dynamic world wherein from time to time everyone experience new things, change is very inevitable. Others can easily cope up with those changes and some can hardly adjust to it. Each and every one of us has something in our minds that we want to change. A teacher might want to change the attitudes of her students. A doctor might want to change the notion of some patients that it is okey to do what doctors told me not to do because I have enough money for treatment. A law enforcer might want to change the thought in the minds of every bad man that doing bad things is a solution to every problem they have. A good politician might wish to change his fellow citizen to become a better one. A poor young man might want to change the status of his life to a more stable one. These changes are just some of those unheard and written in silence thing a single person might want to. But, changing isn’t as simple as you wish to change tonight and the other day you have already change. Changing, takes a lot of time. Changing must start with your self, if you want to change the attitudes of all men in terms of war and peace you start it with yourself, no war yes to peace goal. If you want all young men to love their parents, start it by loving your own. If you want all men to love and accept each other genuinely, start to love yourself so much. When you have implemented all those changes within you, you are able to influence others to do so.
Truly nothing is permanent in this world, everything, everyone change, except the word itself. All of us has the privilege to change the way we wanted to, but in changing, we should aim to change for the better. And if we ever wanted a change for the world, start it within you. |
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