“You have to stay in school. You have to. You have to go to college. You have to get your degree. Because that's the one thing people can't take away from you is your education. And it is worth the investment”, Michelle Obama once said. Indeed, most of us spent and invested our time staying in the four side of the school’s classroom where our sense of responsibility had been developed, and where we are being molded. As time passed by, culture being observed in the school changes which corresponds to the things needed by the generation or the current time.
Due to these changes, school-student relationships are being affected that leads to either a positive or negative effect to one of the two or even to both of them. Nowadays, students view schools as some sort of hell because of the toxicity brought by different school requirements, tasks, pressure given by the peers and some are being bullied. Some even say, unlike before, school nowadays, is not a child-friendly place anymore for sometimes it frightens children to continue schooling and embrace education. These are some of the very reasons why DepEd Ilocos implemented a Happy School Movement to every school in the Region 1. This program aims to inculcate in the minds of pupils that school is not just a place for learning but also a place for fun and enjoyment as they enjoy what they are doing. Through this program, the learners’ full potential is given the greatest attention by creating a happier and more positive school culture. Implementing such movement will surely make each and every student to feel welcomed and loved in the school, knowing the fact that many usually feel the other way around. It is a great thing for the administration to make such program in eradicating bullying which is very rampant in schools nowadays.
Researchers confirm that a positive school climate can help decrease absenteeism, suspensions and bullying. Likewise, it increases pupils’ achievement and motivation to learn and improve their psychological well-being. This shows that it’s really more fun in school. Happy School fosters a child-friendly atmosphere among all learners. The creation of an environment where learners can voice-out and fully express themselves as well as promote learning in an easy yet affective way of learning is the core of this movement. Keep on promoting happy schools movements!
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